Certificates updated
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- Created:
Given the increased number of supporters, the logos have been resized to be more easily identifiable.
Moreover, the placeholders on the form used to create the certificates have been updated to avoid certificate generation problems.
New support: GDK / CDS
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The GDK (Schweizerische Gesundheitsdirektorenkonferenz) / CDS (Conférence suisse des directeurs de la santé) now officially support Escape COVID-19. Their logo has been added on the frontpage and on the course completion certificates.
Incompatibility with Internet Explorer 10
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Even though Internet Explorer has reached its end of life, many hospitals still use this web browser for compatibility or historical reasons. Escape COVID-19 however requires the use of an HTML5 compatible browser.
H+ supports Escape COVID-19
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- Created:
H+, Die Spitäler der Schweiz / Les Hôpitaux de Suisse now supports Escape COVID-19. Their logo has been added on the frontpage and on the course completion certificates.
Deployment of the Italian version for non health care professionals
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- Created:
The Italian version for non health care professionals is now available on escape-covid19.ch - as for the French, German and English versions, an abridged version is available for those not wishing to complete the specific "ward" level.
Deployment of the German version for non health care professionals
- Details
- Created:
The German version for non health care professionals is now available on escape-covid19.ch - as for the French and English versions, an abridged version is available for those not wishing to complete the specific "ward" level.
Banners added on front page (all languages)
- Details
- Created:
Added banners on front pages (all languages) to help identify the links allowing the creation of accounts
- English Certificate for Non Health Care Workers
- New disclaimers added on the front page
- French Certificate for Health Care Workers
- German version updated to 3.1.4
- Endorsement
- Official supporters: FOPH and SNSF
- English certificate for Health Care Workers
- French, Italian and English versions updated to 3.1.2
- English review versions fixed
- French version updated to 3.1.1
- English version updated to 3.1
- Registration disambiguation
- Improvement of compatibility with mobile devices
- Deployment of the German version
- Deployment of the Italian version
- French version updated to 3.1
- Template modification